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Selected Publications

Heart-resident CCR2+ macrophages promote neutrophil extravasation through TLR9-MyD88-CXCL5 signaling.
Li W, Hsiao H, Higashikubo R, Saunders B, Bharat A, Goldstein D, Krupnick A, Gelman A, Lavine KJ*, Kreisel D*. *Co-senior authors
Journal of Clinical Investigation: Insight. 2016; 1(12): e87315. 

Primitive embryonic macrophages are required for coronary development and maturation.
Leid JM, Carrelha J, Boukarabila H, Epelman S, Jacobsen SE, Lavine KJ. 
Circulation Research. 2016; 118(10):1498-511. 

Distinct macrophage lineages contribute to disparate patterns of cardiac recovery and remodeling in the neonatal and adult heart.
Lavine KJ, Epelman S, Uchida K, Weber KJ, Nichols CG, Schilling JD, Ornitz DM, Randolph GJ, Mann DL.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2014; 111(45):16029-34.

Embryonic and adult-derived resident cardiac macrophages are maintained through distinct mechanisms at steady state and during inflammation.
Epelman S, Lavine KJ, Beaudin AE, Sojka DK, Carrero JA, Calderon B, Brija T, Gautier EL, Ivanov S, Satpathy AT, Schilling JD, Schwendener R, Sergin I, Razani B, Forsberg EC, Yokoyama WM, Unanue ER, Colonna M, Randolph GJ, Mann DL.
Immunity. 2014; 40(1):91-104. 

Origin and functions of tissue macrophages.
Epelman S, Lavine KJ, Randolph GJ.
Immunity. 2014; 41(1):21-35. 

Hedgehog signaling is critical for maintenance of the adult coronary vasculature in mice.
Lavine KJ, Smith CS, Ornitz DM. 
Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2008: 118(7): 2404-14. 

Fibroblast growth factor signals regulate a wave of Hedgehog activation that is essential for coronary vascular development.
Lavine KJ, White AC, Park C, Smith CS, Choi K, Long F, Hui C, Ornitz DM. 
Genes and Development. 2006; 20(12): 1651-66.

Endocardial and epicardial derived FGF signals regulate myocardial proliferation and differentiation in vivo.
Lavine KJ, Yu K, White AC, Zhang X, Smith C, Partanen J, Ornitz DM. 
Developmental Cell. 2005; 8(1): 85-95. 

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